





[巨星表演]Markus Homm&Elena


News from Dancesportinfo.net: We have just received the news that Markus Homm and Elena Kalugina decided to terminate their partnership for personal reasons. They will dance their last tournament in Taiwan in November. For the past 18 months they have represented Germany in Professional Latin division.

Markus and Elena were the quarter-finallists on the Blackpool Dance Festival and were placed 8th at the WDC World Professional Latin. In 2006 they reached the semi-final in Blackpool and won the Professional Rising Star Latin that year.



2007/9/17 我很喜歡的一對 Max & Yulia 發表公開信決定不一起比賽了,一開始聽到這個訊息覺得很可惜,以為再也看不到他們了,直到今天我又發現新的訊息。看了公開信之後,知道原來Max決定把重心放在編舞和教學上,Yulia將會和Riccardo搭檔比賽,從他們的網頁也看到Max已經找到新舞伴(Beata Onefater),Max和Yulia兩人平常還是會一起教學,只是不知道他們兩是否還是情侶? 等以後賺大錢,我也想去美國紐約找他們上課 XD

Certainly we are not going to say goodbye to the dance world - we will be around. Maxim plans to concentrate on Show Dance Programs and Demonstrations in various types of dancing. He also is eager to develop his education in different styles of dancing, the history of dance, and other art forms as well. He aims to develop dancing on a higher level, and will initiate his professional career as a choreographer and teacher of other amateur and professional dancers. His ultimate goal is to help people develop their dance skills on the highest level possible. He is also excited to organize Show Dance events in the U.S., and create a new Dance Company together with Yulia.

Yulia will be continuing her professional career with Riccardo Cocchi, who is the Two Times World Amateur Latin Champion, Ten Times Italian Amateur Latin Champion, Professional Italian Latin Champion, and the Professional Grand Finalist at UK, Blackpool and World Championships. We are happy to announce this exciting news to the dance community of United States, as Yulia and Riccardo will be representing the U.S. in major world events.

Maxim and Yulia will continue teaching and coaching in the U.S. and help other people achieve their dreams. We truly believe that our students can reach the same success that we have.

P.S. - Our last performance together outside the U.S. will be at the Kremmel Cup on September 29th/30th. This as a gesture of appreciation to our parents, our first coaches, and our native country. Our last performance within the U.S. will be in Columbus, Ohio on November 17th. There we will performing our favorite showdance numbers one last time. Also, check your local listings on PBS for another upcoming special.

Max & Yulia

Max's Cell: (908) 285-7603, Yulia's Cell: (908) 285-7602, email@ymdance.net, http://www.ymdance.net



Slavik Kryklyvyy & Elena Khvorova (Russia) Mar 2006-present 職業時代 黑池第三名
Slavik Kryklyvyy & Karina Smirnoff (USA) Jan 2001-Sep 2005 職業時代 黑池第二名
Slavik Kryklyvyy & Joanna Leunis (Belgium)Oct 1998-Oct 2000 業餘時代 黑池業餘第一
Slavik Kryklyvyy & Olena Fedorchuk (Ukraine)Jan 1997-Jul 1998 業餘時代

Slavik後期三個舞伴來頭都不小,Joanna在與Slavik拆夥後,與Karina的舞伴Louis Van Amstel搭上,(完全就是舞伴互換)兩人合作了兩年,成績還算可以,但是沒有之前那麼好。拆夥後Joanna與Michale Malotowski合作,好幾個年頭後,現在終於是世界第一的組合。

Louis Van Amstel & Karina Smirnoff (USA) Jul 1999-Dec 2000
Louis Van Amstel & Joanna Leunis (USA) Jan 2001-Oct 2002

Slavik與Karina合作最久,兩人關係如情侶,成績其實都不錯,只輸給Bryan Watson,黑池成績位居第二。
兩人最有名的就是到處都看的到的DVD教學影片 XD。Karina與Slavik拆夥後,竟然與Dimitri搭檔,2006年黑池成績為第四名。

Dmitri Timokhin & Karina Smirnoff (Russia) Oct 2005-present

Sergey Ryupin & Elena Khvorova (Russia) Jan 1995-Dec 2005

結論:Louis Van Amstel舞技太差,就被換掉了... 所以男生要練的更強一點才好,郁恬不要把我換掉...









96學年上學期教學影片, 峻幗結合胡進山老師在日月潭國標營所改編的chacha!


和番薯伯那談過後 社遊行程如下:

寒訓之後大家一起出發到南埔 預計下午四點可以抵達
到了之後要先控窯 然後坐牛車 接著去擂茶
我們可以帶煙火去玩 番薯伯說會送我們(好像是竹筒炮)玩
以上活動行程 如果參加人數有30人以上 爭取到的優惠價格是$350一人
少於30人的話 就沒有優惠了 變成$400一人
我要先統計人數喔 要去的請推文 請大家多多支持 缸溫